International and Industry Connect

Initiatives Related to Industry Interaction

Partnerships and its effective implementation

MOUs with Industry

SBM has MOUs with companies to train students using the computer lab in an evolving globalized and volatile world. These trainings improve students’ ability to test their skills and improvise by understanding the real situation in the market. The MOUs have enabled the school to integrate the syllabus with latest software inputs that are being used in the industry.

MOUs with Academic Universities

SBM has membership in the international accreditation body AACSB, Partnership with GHRDC for curriculum validation and certification, Collaboration with BLOOMBERG for establishing the Finance Lab and data sharing for research, training and teaching. SBM has MOUs signed with many renowned universities in the world for the student-faculty exchange programs in the areas of credit transfer, teaching and research activities. These universities are known for their academic excellence. 

Consultancy Projects 

Consultancy at School of Business and Management (SBM) sustains connectivity with industry and encourages faculty members to offer consultancy services. Consultancy at School of Business and Management is driven by precision, rigour, innovation, multidisciplinary approach. The aim is to help our clients to meet strategic goals. Faculty members in the school are passionate about research as a part of consultancy that enables them to create novel frameworks. Faculty expertise are from different areas of economics, finance, marketing, HR, business analytics, lean operations and systems. The consultancy services offered are categorised into three types: extension, functional and research-based consultancies. 

Collaboration with Professional Societies

SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management)

CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute, USA

Analytics Society of India

CISI (Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments) UK

MMA (Madras Management Association)

CII (Confederation of Indian Industry)

International Faculty Interactions

Student Exchange Programme